Mudassir Iqbal

Business Analysis for Non-Analysts: Bridging the Gap Between Business Needs and Solutions

The world of business runs on a complex equation between ideas, processes, and technology. But how do you translate those brilliant ideas dreamt up in boardrooms into tangible solutions that deliver Business value? That’s where Business Analysts (BAs) come in. They help you see what is achievable and how. For those outside the BA world, the role can often seem confusing […]

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Role of Business Analyst in Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is the causatum regarding technological shift, which is lined up with organizational goals and directed by a well-planned approach. It is both technical and cultural shift that is a company-wide initiative and leveraging the technology that adds value by giving the green light to the need for change. It can upgrade a company’s […]

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7 Essential Business Analyst Skills

7 Essential Business Analyst Skills A business analyst deals with corporate evaluation and modelling on an everyday basis. If you are contemplating becoming a professional analyst, you’re in the right place. If you want to stand out and enhance the productivity of your business, this list shares important corporate analyst strengths: 1. Communication: Business analysts should […]

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Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM)

Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM) The Business Analyst Core Concept Model (BACCM) comprises of six fundamental concepts that are interrelated through a dynamic theoretical system. Undeniably, this is a powerful tool for a systematic understanding of controlled organizational change. This defines the framework for the business analysis profession. Let’s explore the six critical components […]

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