Mudassir Iqbal

About a month ago, I penned down my thoughts on “Navigating the Decision-Making Journey: Empowering Teams in the Organizational Tapestry.” In that piece, I delved into the intricacies of team empowerment and Collaborative Leadership, sharing insights into what works and what doesn’t in the fast-paced world of decision-making

Today, I want to tackle another expression that has been bothering me: “Don’t come to me with a problem, come with a solution.” This mantra, commonly echoed by leaders, promotes self-reliance and a proactive approach. Despite its popularity, I stand against this notion. Let me shed light on why I believe embracing problems, rather than immediately seeking solutions, can be a more effective leadership strategy.

When someone approaches me with a problem, my initial response isn’t to demand an instant solution. I see it as crucial to acknowledge the courage it takes to bring forth an issue. If a team member seeks guidance, it indicates trust. Dismissing their problem by insisting on a solution right away could stifle open communication.

“You have to be consistently receptive to bad news… If you don’t act on it, your people will eventually stop bringing bad news to your attention. And that’s the beginning of the end.”

Bill Gates once said,

In my perspective, leadership goes beyond expecting solutions; it’s about nurturing an open and supportive culture. When facing a challenge, team members might not have a ready-made solution. They seek guidance, mentorship, and support. It’s crucial to lend a listening ear and help them navigate through the problem step by step. Effective leaders empower their teams to analyze problems and devise informed solutions.

Leadership entails seeing beyond the surface of a problem. Pushing for immediate solutions might hinder gaining a broader perspective. Quick solutions without proper discussions can lead to a culture of advocacy instead of inquiry. What’s crucial is keeping the focus on the problem, not complaints, fostering objectivity in examining factors properly.

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