Project Procurement Management

Project Procurement Management is a knowledge area where you would be using all skills that you have learned in other 9 knowledge areas. The Project Procurement Management processes deal with purchasing goods or services from vendors, contractors, suppliers, and others outside the project team. When we see the Procurement through the lenses of PMI, the sellers are external to the project team and we switch the job as Buyer and the customer to the seller. It is to understand that procurement is not your responsibility, but you will work closely with the Procurement team of your organization. it is also important to recognize your role within the organization in the procurement process as it may differ from organisation to organization and with the complexity of the procurement.
Project Procurement Management Processes
Plan Procurement Management (Planning)
Inputs | Tools and Techniques | Outputs |
Conduct Procurement (Execution)
Inputs | Tools and Techniques | Outputs |
Control Procurement (Monitoring and Controlling)
Inputs | Tools and Techniques | Outputs |
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