Mudassir Iqbal

Project Integration Management Introduction – PMP/CAPM

(A high-level snapshot) The project integration management knowledge area is the art and science of ensuring that your project moves forward and that your plan is fully developed and properly implemented. Processes of Project Integration Management  Develop project charter (Planning) Develop project management plan (Planning) how the work will be performed The process of defining, preparing, […]

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Project Integration Management Video – PMP/CAPM

Good practices in project Integration management enable the project manager to combine the results from all other Knowledge Areas and manage the overall view of the project. Whatever happens, it’s the project manager who is ultimately responsible for the project’s success or failure. Project Integration management processes help the Project Manager with all the tools […]

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How to Fail Eloquently

How to fail Eloquently Change is inevitable. The same can be said for failure, which is part and parcel of professional life. Failure is tough to handle and tougher to talk about, but an unfortunate reality. “Learn from your failure!” is what we usually hear, but it’s easier said than done. But take my word for […]

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Estimation Techniques and how to estimate better. (PMP/CAPM) ; 6 Aug 2018

Estimation Techniques and how to better estimates keeping in view the cone of uncertainty Project estimation, development, and monitoring go hand in hand. Effective project management requires consistent and repeated estimation methodologies to manage the limitations of scope, time, finance, and quality to ensure project success. This video from Project Management Series presented by Mudassir […]

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Sampling – Project Management Seminars (PMP/CAPM) ; 22 Sep, 2018

Sampling or Statistical Sampling Statistical Sampling is the process of making statistical inferences about the selected population. This emerging incredibly powerful business tool helps in better understanding about the business practices, the customer behaviour, and monitoring quality and amenability This video from Project Management Series presented by Mudassir Iqbal explains the techniques of sampling for […]

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