Mudassir Iqbal

Agile and Waterfall Methodologies have been part of the Project Management world for quite some time; let’s quickly review them;

Agile Methodology:
Agile is an iterative and incremental approach to project management that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer feedback. It involves breaking down the project into small, manageable tasks called user stories, which are prioritized and completed in short timeframes known as sprints. The focus is on delivering a working product at the end of each iteration

Waterfall Methodology:
The waterfall is a traditional linear approach to project management where tasks are completed sequentially, flowing steadily downwards like a waterfall. It involves distinct phases such as requirements gathering, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance, with each phase being fully completed before the next one begins. Changes to the project scope are difficult to implement once the project has moved to the next phase. The Waterfall methodology is best suited for projects where the requirements are well-defined and unlikely to change

Comparison between Waterfall and Agle Methodology

Waterfall MethodolgyAgile Methodology
FlexibilityLess flexible, as changes are difficult to implement once a phase has been completed.Highly flexible, allowing for frequent changes and adjustments throughout the project lifecycle
Delivery TimeLonger delivery time as the entire project is planned and executed in a linear fashion, often taking several months or yearsQuick delivery of working increments through regular iterations, typically ranging from one to four weeks
Feedback and Adaptation Limited feedback and adaptation once the project requirements are defined and locked in at the beginningEmphasizes continuous feedback and adaptation through regular sprint reviews and retrospectives.
Risk ManagementRisks are typically identified and addressed during the planning phase, with less emphasis on ongoing risk management during execution.Risks are identified and addressed iteratively throughout the project lifecycle, with a focus on early and frequent delivery of value


  • Agile: Developing a software application using Scrum, where the project backlog is continuously refined, and user stories are prioritized and completed in two-week sprints. The team conducts daily stand-up meetings to discuss progress and address any impediments, while the product owner provides feedback at the end of each sprint to guide future iterations.
  • Waterfall: Constructing a building using the traditional waterfall approach, where the project progresses through distinct phases such as architectural design, structural engineering, construction, interior finishing, and landscaping. Each phase is completed sequentially, with minimal opportunity for changes once construction begins.

Waterfall and Agile are two different project management methodologies with their own strengths and weaknesses. Waterfall is best suited for projects with well-defined requirements, while Agile is best suited for projects with changing or unclear requirements. Waterfall is a sequential approach, while Agile is an iterative approach that emphasizes collaboration and flexibility.

Further Reading

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