Project Resource Management

Project Resource Management is a complex and sensitive knowledge area as it involves Humans. We all understand dealing Humans are not easy. This is where you need to employ best of you soft and interpersonal skills, like Leadership, Coaching, Communication, Performance appraisals and above all Conflict management. Project Resource Management processes cover all aspects of people management and management of physical resources. the 6 processes ensure that the physical and human resources assigned to the project are used in the most effective way possible.
Project Resource Management Processes
Resource Management Plan (Planning)
Inputs | Tools and Techniques | Outputs |
Estimate Activity Resources (Planning)
Inputs | Tools and Techniques | Outputs |
Acquire Resources (Execution)
Inputs | Tools and Techniques | Outputs |
Develop team (Execution)
Inputs | Tools and Techniques | Outputs |
Manage team (Execution)
Inputs | Tools and Techniques | Outputs |
Control Resources (Monitoring and Controlling)
Inputs | Tools and Techniques | Outputs |
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