If as a Project manager you believe that get the things within Budget and on Schedule, your job is done, you are highly mistaken. You need to make sure that the product, service or result that you and your team is producing should be Fit to use and as per quality agreed or expected by the stakeholders. The other side of the coin is that you should maintain a quality oriented process to avoid failures and defects getting in the hands of the customer. Project Quality Management Knowledge area makes sure that you remain in control of the expected quality on the project.
Project Quality Management Knowledge Area Processes
Quality Management Plan (Planning)
- It provides guidance and direction on how quality will be managed and verified throughout the project
- The process of identifying quality requirements and/or standards for the project and its deliverables, and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance with quality requirements and/or standards.
- Performed once or at predefined points in the project
Manage Quality (Execution)
- It increases the probability of meeting the quality objectives as well as identifying ineffective processes and causes of poor quality
- The process of translating the quality management plan into executable quality activities that incorporate the organization’s quality policies into the project
- Performed throughout the project
Control Quality (Monitoring and Controlling)
- Verifying that project deliverable and work meet the requirements specified by key stakeholders for final acceptance
- The process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality management activities in order to assess performance and ensure the project outputs are complete, correct, and meet customer expectations.
- Performed throughout the project
Further Information on Project Quality Management
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