Mudassir Iqbal

Lessons Learned Register and Lessons Learned Repository

Lessons learned register includes more explicit knowledge because it’s easily codified, but often lacks the deeper understanding that tacit knowledge provides Lessons learned and knowledge gained throughout the project are transferred to the lessons learned repository for use by future projects. With every assignment comes new knowledge. The term “lessons learned” refers to whatever one […]

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Sprint H – Hardening Sprint

A Sprint H – Hardening Sprint is a specialized sprint dedicated to stabilizing a software development focuses on correcting vulnerabilities, strengthening the product’s performance, and bolstering its stability. This sprint is typically performed in the later phases of the software development lifecycle, prior to the product’s deployment to production, in order to strengthen the product’s […]

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Predictive, Adaptive and Hybrid Approaches

Predictive, Adaptive, and Hybrid approaches are the three primary software development strategies. Each strategy has its own benefits and drawbacks, and the approach chosen will rely on the project’s particular requirements. Waterfall, Iterative, Incremental and Agile When to use waterfall, when agile? The choice between using a Waterfall or Agile approach to software development will […]

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Team Norms, Team Charters, and Ground Rules

Team Norms, Team Charters, and Ground Rules are interconnected and play a crucial role in establishing the foundation for a successful team. Team norms are informal agreements that define how team members are expected to behave and interact with one another. They contribute to the development of a positive and productive team culture. Team Charter: […]

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Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix

The Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix is a tool used to assess and prioritize stakeholders in a project or organization. It helps to identify which stakeholders are most important and relevant to a project or organization and determine the level and type of engagement that is required for each stakeholder. Stakeholder Engagement Myths Key to Effective […]

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Academic research and analyses of high-profile project disasters highlight the importance of a structured approach to the identification, prioritization, and engagement of all stakeholders To increase the chances of success, the process of stakeholder identification and engagement should commence as soon as possible after the project charter has been approved, the project manager has been […]

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Impediments, Obstacles, and Blockers

There are a variety of reasons why projects can become stalled. The members of a project team may meet numerous barriers that impede or slow down their efforts. The types of obstacles vary widely depending on the industry, stakeholders, project and business environment, and the nature of the project itself. PMI : Address and Remove […]

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Definition of Done (DoD) and Definition of Ready (DoR)

Without a solid understanding of both Definition of Done (DoD) and the Definition of Ready (DoR), no Project Manager/Scrum manager can supervise the delivery of the product/project utilising Agile Project Management. Definition of Ready (DoR) is an Agile project management phrase that specifies the requirements a user story or task must achieve in order to […]

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MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and MBI (Minimum Business Increment)

MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and MBI (Minimum Business Increment) are two concepts in product development used to determine the minimum set of features and functionality required to deliver value to customers and stakeholders. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) A minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a new product that is built with as little […]

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