Mudassir Iqbal

Tools for Effective Communication

Effective Communication is one of the significant roles of a project manager. Most of their time working is spent communicating with different groups to ensure the success of a project. Good communication across the board, with the client and the team members, contributes significantly to a project’s success. For project managers, strong communication skills are […]

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A Comparison Of Agile and Traditional Project Management

In this modern, rapidly changing world, businesses rely on project management systems more than ever to run their operations as smoothly as possible. Project management methodologies such as agile and traditional help businesses achieve their objectives in an efficient manner. Agile project management, in particular, has gained massive popularity among project managers in recent years […]

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Top 7 Project Management Tools to Maximize Team Productivity

Project management tools can incredibly help businesses to efficiently manage projects no matter how complicated they are. With so many options available, choosing the right tool might be overwhelming for you. Whether you are working independently, running a small business or a multi-billion-dollar company or anything in between, you are more likely to find impressive […]

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How Startups Can Use Risk Prioritization in Their Project Management

Risk prioritization for effective project management culminates from processes involving risk impact assessment. Forewarned is forearmed indeed. The result of your comprehensive risk impact assessment becomes your arsenal in anticipating and mitigating any threats to your project. Nevertheless, as you embark on defining the needs and goals of your project and its implementation, you will […]

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Project management, Program management and Portfolio management: PMP/CAPM

“Project management., program management, portfolio management and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives. ” PMBOK Project The project can be every size imaginable in virtually every industry, and project managers supervise them regardless of these specifics. A project may be managed in three separate scenarios: Project Manager He is responsible for meeting […]

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Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom – DIKW Pyramid : PMP/CAPM

So once we know about the Project Manager Competency Development (PMCD) Framework, it is time for us to start working on learning new skills. Learning, practising, mastering new skills not easy and requires commitment and patience. This is where the Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom Pyramid (DIKW Pyramid) comes in; Data Are observed, Collected as Facts, […]

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7 Steps to On Time, On Budget, Goal-Based Project Delivery

7 steps to On Time, On Budget, Goal-Based Project Delivery In today’s corporate world many entrepreneurs working in the financial field go through the phenomenon of whether to invest or fund into the critical project or to drop them until the company’s budget and the revenue gets better or get improved. However, for the approved […]

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Digital Transformation and Project Management

I am sure lately, you might be as surprised as me to see the role of digital transformation in project management. Nowadays, many companies adopt diverse digital transformation technologies in various situation. Let’s unfold the term and see its significance in project management. Though Carl Benz designed the very first vehicle in 1879, Henry Ford […]

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